Fix Face ID Not Working Move iPhone Lower

If you have an iPhone and utilize the iPhone Face ID, one message will always flash in front of you: Move Phone Lower.

I had the same difficulty, but I could eventually solve it, so I’ll tell it to you here. And how are you going to solve this problem?

So, let’s get it fixed.

Reasons for the “Face ID Not Working, Lower iPhone” Message

Face ID Not Working Move iPhone Lower

The notice may appear as a result of a software or hardware problem. As previously said, updating the iPhone to the current version of iOS resolved the issue for most users, although some devices require a rapid solution, such as a reboot or face ID reset. In that case, the message could be caused by front-facing sensors such as an IR camera, an ambient light sensor, a dot projector, or a flood lamp.

Suppose you recently replaced the screen on your iPhone. In that case, the problem could arise from the pins connecting the earpiece to the motherboard, so contact the retailer that replaced the screen and ask them to verify if the pins are correctly connected.

How to Resolve the “Face ID Not Working, Move iPhone Lower” Problem

Face ID is Not Available

1. Reboot your iPhone

When your iPhone’s Face ID stops working, the first thing you should do is restart it. This can correct a minor software flaw that may be causing the issue.

Press and hold the side button and the volume up button until the words “slide to power off” display on the screen. Swipe from left to right across the red and white power icon and your iPhone will be turned off.

Wait 30–60 seconds before pressing and holding the side button once more until the Apple logo displays on the screen. Your iPhone will restart shortly after that.

2. Make sure your iPhone is held far away from your face

Face ID is intended to operate when your iPhone is held 10–20 inches away from your face. If you’re holding your iPhone too close or too far away from your face, it’s possible that your Face ID isn’t working on your iPhone. When using Face ID, stretch your arms straight out in front of you.

3. Check that there are no other people’s faces around you

Face ID may not function appropriately if many faces are in the line of sight of your iPhone’s camera. If you’re in a crowded area, look for a more private location to utilize Face ID. If you want to show off this fantastic feature to your buddies, make sure they aren’t immediately next to you!

4. Take off any clothing or jewelry that is covering your face

If you’re wearing any clothing or jewelry, such as a hat, scarf, or piercing, remove them before using your iPhone Face ID. Clothing or jewelry may be hiding areas of your face, making it more difficult for Face ID to identify you.

5. Examine the Lighting Situation

When utilizing Face ID, another thing to keep in mind is the lighting surrounding you. If it’s too light or too dark outside, your iPhone’s cameras and sensors may struggle to recognize your face. Face ID will most likely work best for you in a well-lit area with plenty of natural light.

6. Clean your iPhone’s Front Cameras and Sensors

Next, try cleaning the front of the iPhone. One of the cameras or sensors used for Face ID could be covered in gunk or debris, and we recommend using a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the camera and sensors.

7. Remove any iPhone cases or screen protectors

Face ID may malfunction if you have any cases or screen protectors on your iPhone, and these can sometimes obscure or interfere with the camera or sensor, which causes face ID to malfunction.

8. Deactivate and reactivate Face ID

If Face ID repeatedly fails, consider removing and resetting your saved Face ID. If something went wrong during the initial setup, you might have problems utilizing Face ID in the future.

To erase your iPhone Face ID, go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode. After entering your passcode, press Delete Face on the Face ID you want to delete.

After you’ve erased the face, return to Face ID & Passcode and press Enroll Face. Set up the new iPhone Face ID by following the instructions on the screen.

9. Examine your iPhone For A Software Update

A software update can resolve minor issues or glitches with Face ID since it is a new feature on the iPhone. To check if the software update is available, go to Settings -> General -> Software Update, and PressPress Download & Install if an update is available. If your iPhone is up to date, this menu will indicate, “Your software is up to date.”

10. Reset All settings

iphone Face ID not working fix

Try resetting all of your iPhone’s settings if your Face ID is still not working. When you reset all settings on your iPhone, all the settings in the Settings app are reset to factory defaults. This procedure can sometimes resolve a difficult-to-resolve software issue.

To clear all settings, open the Settings app and go to General -> Transfer Or Reset iPhone -> Reset -> Clear All Settings. When the confirmation pop-up displays on the screen, enter your passcode and select Reset All Settings. Your iPhone will restart after the settings have been reset.

11. Restore your iPhone Using DFU

A DFU restore is the most thorough iPhone restoration used as a last-ditch effort to resolve a persistent software issue. We recommend backing up your iPhone before conducting a DFU restore to avoid losing your contacts, images, and other data.

12. iPhone Repair

If you’ve gotten this far and Face ID still doesn’t function, your iPhone might have a hardware issue that needs to be fixed. Take your iPhone to the Apple Store as long as it’s still covered by warranty.


With the methods outlined above, your Face ID should be operational. However, if you have tried all of the instructions and still have problems, you should contact Apple Support. Explain to them every step you took to solve the problem and wait for their feedback.

They will tell you to take your iPhone to a Genius Bar to check it out most of the time. This is due to the possibility that the issue is related to the hardware, which may require replacement.

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