ITX vs ATX – What’s the Difference?

A motherboard serves as the spine of a computer system because it houses all hardware components. Everything on a CPU is connected to a motherboard, and different motherboards have varying capacities for connecting these components to function efficiently and correctly.

ATX and ITX are two types of motherboards found in computer systems. Both have various RAM sizes and support for power and other components. 

These motherboards have a common form factor but different arrangements for processor sockets on the board. Both ATX and ITX provide the fundamental functionalities required to run and support a computer system, and they are specifically designed to accommodate low-cost systems.

These motherboards are typically found in compact areas such as vehicles, set-up boxes, and network equipment. Today, we will compare ATX vs ITX in detail and all of their performance attributes to understand better which motherboard is better and which has good performance.


These two motherboards are designed for usage with a typical PC with multiple PCI slots and a large amount of RAM. ATX is more extensive in capacity than ITX, which is also smaller.

ATX – Advanced Technology Extended

Two White Hyperx Ram Stick

Intel introduced ATX in 1995 to expand on the pre-existing AT architectures. Advanced Technology extended is a motherboard and power supply combination commonly found in standardized PCs. A new era in computing began with the introduction of systems with motherboards and power supplies, and it quickly became a standard form factor motherboard.

The ATX motherboard typically includes four RAM slots for a computer system, which can be expanded to eight slots at the user’s discretion. This decent motherboard can accommodate 64 GB of RAM when expanded to 128 GB, and users have the leverage of increasing the number of PCIe slots from three to five. It is a budget-friendly upgradeable motherboard with a standard form factor and standard size of 305*244 mm.

It is the most prevalent type of motherboard used in computer systems today, and it goes by several names, including MicroATX and FlexATX. These ATX motherboards are smaller in size than a typical size ATX motherboard. Due to its standard size, ATX motherboards may be installed in any conventional computer. They are primarily utilized for gaming and workstations.

ITX -Information Technology extended

Black and Gray Motherboard

VIA Technologies introduced Information Technology extended in 2001. This ITX series is a collection of compact form factor motherboards that support small computers and various applications. Their primary form factor is relatively small, measuring 170*170 mm. These motherboards work well in systems with few configurations.

These motherboards are primarily intended for use with low-cost mini PCs, making them accessible to the general public. Technological advancements and innovations have elevated the prices of these motherboards, yet they remain reasonably priced. An ITX motherboard has only two RAM slots and one PCIe slot, and it cannot be used with higher-end computers.

These motherboards come in various sizes, including MiniITX, NanoITX, and PicoITX, with the MiniITX being the most widely used for PCs. They are typically more expensive than ATX motherboards and can only be utilized with portable computers with compact form factors.


1. The mini-ITX form factor is much smaller than the micro-ATX form factor.

2. The micro-ATX comes in three sizes: standard, maximum, and minimal, but the mini-ITX only comes in one standard, set size.

3. Because all the components on both motherboards are identical, the micro-ATX can also be used in place of a full-size ATX motherboard.

4. The mini-ITX can only accommodate a limited number of features and components because of its small size. In contrast, the micro-ATX includes audio, graphics, BIOS, CPU, memory, storage, clock generator, expansion cards, power connectors, and other motherboard components. The converse is true with micro-ATX, which can store more components while still functioning as an entire motherboard.

5. Unlike the micro-ATX, the mini-ITX does not necessitate the use of specialized components.

What are the primary distinctions between ITX and ATX?

The primary distinctions between ITX and ATX are size, PCIe lane configuration, and RAM capacity. These distinctions, in turn, determine the sort of PC case you can utilize for your motherboard. For example, VIA Technologies created the ITX motherboard to be used in small-configured computer systems and ITX has less RAM than other motherboards. The ATX was designed by Intel for single-GPU PC configurations and had more RAM than other small motherboards.

The following are the primary distinctions between ITX and ATX motherboards:

Standard ATX

General Advantages:

• Several PCIe lanes

• Increased RAM capacity

• Appealing in appearance

• Capable of over clocking

General disadvantages:

• It will not fit into small cases.

• Expensive


General Advantages:

• Excellent for single-GPU PC builds

• Greater RAM capacity than a mini-ITX motherboard

• Fits in most circumstances

• Reasonably priced

General disadvantages:

• Unsuitable for over clocking • Unsuitable for multi-GPU configurations


General Advantages:

• Excellent for tiny cases

• Appealing in appearance (for more minor cases)

General disadvantages:

• Unsuitable for over clocking

• Typically, only two RAM slots are available.

• Unsuitable for multi-GPU configurations

Can a Mini ITX be housed in an ATX case?

Technically, any size motherboard can fit into a more significant case. Standard, medium, and tiny motherboards can all fit in significant cases. However, you may not want to install a mini-ITX motherboard in a large chassis because the components appear crowded into one corner of the case.

While it is feasible to fit small motherboards into significant cases, it is crucial to remember that the opposite is impossible. In other words, standard-ATX motherboards cannot be used in micro-ATX cases, and standard-ATX and micro-ATX motherboards cannot be used in mini-ITX cases.


1: Which is superior, ATX or ITX?

If you’re looking for a gaming motherboard, ATX is your best bet. If you’re looking for a motherboard for general use, ITX is the most acceptable option. ITX is a more expensive alternative than ATX; however, ATX motherboards offer more excellent upgrade and expansion options.

2: What do the letters ATX and ITX stand for?

ATX is an abbreviation for Advanced Technology extended, whereas ITX is an abbreviation for Information Technology extended. Both of these motherboards are available in various sizes, including smaller and larger variants. Small form factor motherboards include the mini-ITX and Micro-ATX, intended for usage in tiny computer systems.

3: What advantages does ATX have over Micro ATX?

ATX motherboards are fantastic for PCs, and the advantage of using a standard ATX board over a Micro ATX board is that there are more PCIe slots available, and you can also increase the slots. It offers more excellent heat and temperature cooling, yet both are quite popular among computer users due to their performance.

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